Thursday, June 22, 2017

Dramatis Personae: HIDry V

Summer is about to heat up. And the source of the rising temperatures is right here. Welcome to the world of #HIDryV. This is an all-female, combat-heavy, music-infused festivity that you're not going to want to miss. The fight for France is on, and these strong, clever, and wise warriors are here to bring it to you. Prepare to meet your new role models.

Hamlet Isn't Dead presents:

William Shakespeare's



Abigaile Slocum as Bardolph
April Glick as Pistol
Caroline Osborn as Katharine
Charlotte Harvey as the King of France
Claire Alexander as Exeter
Erica Huang as Gower
Kelly Karcher* as Westmoreland
Megan Greener^ as Henry V

Mia Cain^ as the Chorus
Olivia Cygan* as Montjoy
Paige Espinosa as the Dauphin
Samantha Maurice*^ as the Queen of France
Valerie Terranova* as Fluellen

This stunning cast is led and directed by the incomprable Dr. Valerie Clayman Pye, whom you can (and should) read more about here. And join all these HIDiots this summer for Henry V like you've never seen, heard, or felt it before.
Tickets will be available soon. Check back for more info!

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*appearing courtesy of Actor's Equity Association
^ Hamlet Isn't Dead Resident Acting Company Member 2017 

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